The draft that we have reviewed:

Description of Topic and Learning Content


  • Clearly explained why the topic is important and relevant; used sources to support ideas
  • Clearly outlined how the needs of learners may be different depending on age and level of digital literacy
  • An overview of all the Learning Activities helps the Learner understand the progression of the resource


  • For the learning goals, we are wondering what specific skills learners will be able to use after completing the resource. For example, when learners can control their personal information, what will it look like? 

Learning Activity 1


  • Accounted for different levels of digital literacy by including links to step-by-step tutorials for each step
  • Took privacy concerns into account by outlining steps for changing settings


  • How would you adapt this activity for somebody who wants to understand how Instagram works but does not want to make their account, even a private one?
  • Is there a way to make the videos more interactive than just watching tutorials?

Learning Activity 2

Strengths: Encourages a comprehensive exploration of Instagram’s privacy settings, which helps learners understand the various aspects of content visibility, tagged content, and interaction controls.


  • Some spelling errors
  • Would all those steps be the same on any kind of device such as iPhone, Samsung, iPad, laptop, etc? If not, how would you include that in your learning resources?

Learning Activity 3


  • Gave learners options for how they wanted to show their learning- the option to do a creative project


  • How will you adapt this activity for Learners who are not comfortable making a public account?

Assessment Plan


  • Quizzes give instant feedback and help learners determine their understanding of the content 
  • The report will encourage learners to apply what they’ve learned in a real-world context.


  • Should the privacy impact report be treated as an individual assessment? If it’s switched into a group assessment, we believe that it will provide learners with greater chances to exchange ideas and discuss their experiences with one another. 



  • Your activities are very interactive as they require the learners to create posts using Instagram. 


  • As you edit your draft, you may want to consider ways to divide your resource into clear sections, eg. using bigger headings, separate blog pages, spacing between sections, etc- it was a little bit challenging at times to go back and forth between different sections (hard to find where one section ended and another began)
  • As said above ensure that you are using the bold font to clearly outline the bigger topics. Feels congested with all the bold text of the same size.